AKSHARAM - Education in Slums

Our overall focus is on positive development in thinking process of Children as well as Parents of these Slums.
As a part of this we select a Slum and do the following things.
- Conduct Daily Morning/Evening Classes for 2 or 3 hours.
- Creating awareness about education & Hygiene
- Join them in Schools/Orphan Homes.
- Create interest in students through playful activities and interactive sessions.
- Create awareness about Plantation.
- Motivate and Counsel Parents with regular sessions & visits.
- Provide Notes Books, Stationery, Biscuits, Snacks & Healthy drinks.
- Conduct Medical Camps & awareness session.
- Planning to Teach few Job oriented courses/Self sustaining courses like Stitching, tailoring, Computers.
- Work for over all development of a Slum to the possible extent on step by step basis.
We conducted activities in the following 6 Slums
Project Coordinator