ఈ సంస్థ ఎటువంటి (మతపరమైనటువంటి) ఇతర సంస్థలకు సంబంధించింది కానీ, అనుబంధమైనది కానీ కాదు. ఇది పూర్తిగా స్వచ్చంద సేవకోసం స్థాపించబడినది......

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

12th Session - Self Learning Initiative - Govt High School, Sanath Nagar on 11.01.2020

Saturday (11/01/2020)
We conducted our Vikas high school session-12 at Sanath nagar high school.

Time : 11:00 AM to 12:10 PM

1.Our Session started with Poem "కోకిలమ్మ చేసిన పుణ్యమేమి" by Naresh Padmaraju. He explained the meaning of the poem, then children all together sang the poem.

2.After that our team explained some inspirational moments in Charli Chaplin's life

3.Then we conducted Circle - Book Game with music. Children's enjoyed the game, through this game they picked and read different kind of books and explained what they understood.

Our volunteers did great job.
Valounteers participated;
