Mondi Banda Nagar Slum is located near Addagutta, behind R.R.C Ground, Secunderabad. Around 22 houses (hut) are there with a population of around 40 adults and 30-40 children. Most of the families belong to Cheruvupalli village, Guntur District. They are residing here from last 30 years. All are Rag picker’s (who collects/separates Plastic, Iron, Paper etc., from roads and dirty canals). They earn around 1000 to 1500/- per week.
They go to work at 4 A.M and return between 1 to 3 PM. Most of them are uneducated; they don’t think and take proper care about their children future and brought up. Their surroundings are full of dust and waste. So cleanliness, hygiene etc., are very low. It comes under a HARD CORE SLUM, where people are very rude, harsh and habituated to many bad habits.
Our ground work & efforts
Even though it is very difficult to expect a change, we decided to work on this (SLUM). We need to be Patience, Planned, Positive, Dedicated, Disciplined and determined to change their attitude. Fortunately our Volunteer Team i.e. Ranganath; Team have all the above and extracting results in the short term and trying to retain the same for long term.
We are working hard in every corner to change their attitude and teach education and morals.
- Conducting daily 2 hours classes for children, which include games, Sports, Story Telling and other recreational activities
- Taken a separate room nearby for these classes
- Repeated hut-to-hut counseling to their parents.
- Distributing snacks ; other food related stuff those who attended the classes, to attract them.
- Joined them in nearest Govt. schools but they didn’t resisted
- “Go School Campaign conducted with the help of Sri. Sarada garu
- Conducted Medical Camps & trying from every corner
- Contacted Slum head and nearest area political leader to have a word with these slum people regarding their children schooling and
- We are winning their hearts with our love and care. Bond was already established among us.
We have different projects, in which we have a specific Project “AKSHARAM “targeting Slum Children to provide Education and Hygiene. As a part of this we have selected the Mondi Banda Nagar Slum located behind R.R.C. Ground, Secunderabad (Please refer the attached Sheet for total slum overview).
There are nearly 30-40 children who are not going to school. Their daily agenda includes begging, playing in the dust etc. Our Active volunteer Mr. D. Ranganath brought this to our notice and is very keen to work on this slum. Our Management Bench agreed to go on after considering the merits and demerits and having in-depth analysis about this slum ; its environment.
Mr. D. Ranganath and Team is working hard from past 2 months to motivate and attract the children ; their parents towards need for education, hygiene and better living standards.
With all the support from Smt. Sarada Garu and School Management we succeeded in joining 19 children in the school. To increase this number and ensure the continuity we need your aid/assistance for this project.
Please go through the following requirements from our Project and extend your kind support in all the possible ways….
We require....
- Volunteers who can assist us for 2 hours in a Week regularly
- NGO's/ Individuals who can assist us in improving/Changing Children's attitude
- Donors to support this cause
TOTAL | 26 |
Aged between 4-12Years |
Day | Volunteer | Class /Activity |
Monday | Ranganath | As per syllabus SIP , SIC |
Tuesday | Ranganath | -do- |
Wednesday | Raghava | -do- |
Thursday | Raghava | -do- |
Friday | Srivalli | -do- |
Saturday | Durga Prasad | -do- |
Sunday | Naresh & Sushmita | other skills |
LEAD | Ranganath | |
COORDINATORS | Durga Prasad, Raghava & Srivalli | |
Paid volunteer | We are eagerly searching for ONE |
ROOM RENT | 1,200.00 | PM |
PAID VOLUNTEER (Yet to appoint) | 2,000.00 | PM |
BISCUITS & SNACKS | 600.00 | PM |
MILK | 200.00 | PM |
OTHERS | 1,000.00 | PM |
TOTAL | 5,000.00 | PM |